This is a benchmark test case for modeling the steady-state temperature distribution in a thermal bridge in building construction. The model consists of a 6 mm concrete slab subjected to an outside temperature of 0 °C and heat loss due to convection. The inside features a 4 cm layer of air enclosed within a 1.5 mm metal frame, which is attached to the slab with an insulating layer. The inside temperature is assumed a constant 20 °C. The model can both be considered to be planar, and also symmetric at the ends so that only a 2D 0.5 m section needs to be modeled. The heat flux and temperature at various points is compared to given reference values [1].
This model is available as an automated tutorial by selecting Model Examples and Tutorials… > Heat Transfer > Thermal Bridge from the File menu. Or alternatively, follow the linked step-by-step instructions.

[1] ISO 10211:2007(en), Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface temperatures, Test Case A.2.