Axisymmetric Fluid Flow
FEATool is designed to be able to perform complex multiphysics simulations in arbitrary dimensions (1D, 2D, and 3D). However, running full 3D simulations often requires a significant amount of computational resources in the form of memory and simulation time. It is therefore desirable to find simplifications to reduce …
Black-Scholes Equation
This is an example showing how to define a custom parital differential equation (PDE) equation model in the FEATool Multiphysics. In this case the Black-Scholes model equation, which is used in financial analytics to model derivatives and options pricing. The non-linear partial differential equation to be solved reads …
Cantilever Beam
A test case for a one dimensional model of a cantilever beam which is fixed to a wall at the left end. Using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory three test cases are studied for which reference solutions are available, a point load at the left end, a uniform distributed load, and the natural vibration modes and frequencies …
Cylindrical Pressure Vessel
A long cylindrical thick walled pressure vessel is here subjected to both a high internal pressure and thermal expansion. The model and solution is symmetric and also suitable for modeling with the two-dimensional plane strain approximation. This problem allows for an analytical solution which is used to validate and …
Deflection of a Bracket
In this example a three dimensional model of a solid bracket with a cylindrical hole is subjected to an external load. The vertical side of the bracket is fixed to a wall (thus zero displacement boundary conditions are applied there), while the outer end of the bracket is loaded with a force of 104 Pa in the negative …
Deformation of a Spanner
Tutorial example of calculating deformation and deflection in a spanner where the geometry is given in and imported from a STL CAD file. This model is available as an automated tutorial by selecting Model Examples and Tutorials… > Structural Mechanics > Deformation of a Spanner from the File menu, and also …
Flow Around a Cylinder
Benchmark problem for stationary, laminar, and incompressible flow around a cylinder. Although it is not possible to derive an analytical solution to this test case, very accurate numerical solutions to benchmark reference quantities have been established for the pressure difference, drag, and lift coefficient [1],[2]. …
Flow in Driven Cavity
Stationary and laminar incompressible flow in a square cavity (Reynolds number, Re = 1000). The top of the cavity is prescribed a tangential velocity while the sides and bottom are defined as no-slip zero velocity walls. This model is available as an automated tutorial by selecting Model Examples and Tutorials… …
Flow in Porous Media
Axisymmetric laminar fluid flow in a diffusor duct or reaction chamber blocked by sections of a porous material. The model features several partially active subdomains with the Brinkman equations governing the fluid flow. The flow field with and without the porous material is compared. This model is available as an …
Flow Over a Backwards Facing Step
Flow over a backwards facing step is a classic computational fluid dynamics test problem which is used extensively for validation of simulation codes. The test problem essentially consists of studying how a fully developed flow profile reacts to a sudden expansion in a channel. The expansion will cause a break in the …