FEATool Multiphysics

Fluid Dynamics Showcase Models - Page 2

Fluid-Structure Interaction - Elastic Beam

Fluid-Structure Interaction - Elastic Beam

Fluid-structure interaction benchmark problem for stationary, laminar, and incompressible flow around a cylinder with an attached elastic beam. Although it is not possible to derive an analytical solution to these test cases, numerical solutions to benchmark reference quantities have been established for the beam …

Turbulent Flow Over a Backwards Facing Step (OpenFOAM)

Turbulent Flow Over a Backwards Facing Step (OpenFOAM)

Flow over backwards facing steps are classic computational fluid dynamics test problems, and are often used for validation of simulation codes. This test problem consists of studying how the flow field reacts to a sudden expansion in a channel. The expansion will cause a break in the flow and a recirculation or …

Natural Convection in a Square Cavity

Natural Convection in a Square Cavity

This multiphysics model illustrates natural convection effects in a unit square domain using the Boussinesq approximation. The model involves a Navier-Stokes equations physics mode, representing the fluid flow with solid wall or no-slip boundary conditions everywhere. In addition a heat transfer physics mode is added …

Axisymmetric Fluid Flow

Axisymmetric Fluid Flow

FEATool is designed to be able to perform complex multiphysics simulations in arbitrary dimensions (1D, 2D, and 3D). However, running full 3D simulations often requires a significant amount of computational resources in the form of memory and simulation time. It is therefore desirable to find simplifications to reduce …

Flow Around a Cylinder

Flow Around a Cylinder

Benchmark problem for stationary, laminar, and incompressible flow around a cylinder. Although it is not possible to derive an analytical solution to this test case, very accurate numerical solutions to benchmark reference quantities have been established for the pressure difference, drag, and lift coefficient [1],[2]. …

Flow in Driven Cavity

Flow in Driven Cavity

Stationary and laminar incompressible flow in a square cavity (Reynolds number, Re = 1000). The top of the cavity is prescribed a tangential velocity while the sides and bottom are defined as no-slip zero velocity walls. This model is available as an automated tutorial by selecting Model Examples and Tutorials… …

Flow in Porous Media

Flow in Porous Media

Axisymmetric laminar fluid flow in a diffusor duct or reaction chamber blocked by sections of a porous material. The model features several partially active subdomains with the Brinkman equations governing the fluid flow. The flow field with and without the porous material is compared. This model is available as an …

Flow Over a Backwards Facing Step

Flow Over a Backwards Facing Step

Flow over a backwards facing step is a classic computational fluid dynamics test problem which is used extensively for validation of simulation codes. The test problem essentially consists of studying how a fully developed flow profile reacts to a sudden expansion in a channel. The expansion will cause a break in the …

Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchanger

This heat exchanger example illustrates the multiphysics modeling capabilities of FEATool. The model consists of a series of heated pipes surrounded by a fluid at a lower temperature, and features effects of both free and forced convection. Two types of physical phenomena are considered, fluid flow which is modeled by …

Laminar Channel Flow

Laminar Channel Flow

Stationary and incompressible laminar Poiseuille flow in a two- dimensional rectangular channel. With a constant inflow profile u(0,y) = Umax and fixed no-slip walls, a fully developed laminar parabolic profile, u(y,L) = Umax4/h2y(h-y) is expected to develop at the outflow. This model is available as an automated …