FEATool Multiphysics

Fluid Dynamics Showcase Models - Page 3

Potential Flow Over an Airfoil

Potential Flow Over an Airfoil

This example models and simulates the flow field around the cross section of a NACA airfoil using the inviscid potential equation. The potential field is here modeled with the classic Laplace PDE equation with a correction for the discontinuity at the trailing edge (the Kutta condition). On the boundaries, there is …

Shallow Water Equations

Shallow Water Equations

This example models a moving wave in a pool of shallow water. Although these types of fluid flows are governed by the full three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, they can be simplified with a two dimensional approximation, where the z-dimension is replaced with a variable h for the unknown free surface height …

Supersonic Flow Over an Obstacle

Supersonic Flow Over an Obstacle

Steady inviscid flow over a cylindrical bump using the compressible Euler equations. The flow at the inlet is supersonic with Ma = 1.4 resulting in a series of reflected shock waves as the flow hits the obstacle]. The obstacle could represent anything from a protrusion on an aircraft wing to a structural feature in a …

Vortex Flow

Vortex Flow

This example studies the time dependent decay from introducing standing vortices in a periodic domain. Due to the even spacing and counter rotation, the vortices will stay in place and simply loose intensity with time, and eventually the flow will return to a perfectly steady state. This is in fact one of the few model …

Modeling and Simulation of Axisymmetric Swirl Flow

Axisymmetric Swirling Flows

Fluid flows with swirl effects can occur in rotationally symmetric geometries where the azimuthal or angular velocity component is non-zero. In this case one must solve the fully three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. However, due to the assumption that azimuthal variations can be neglected, it is still sufficient …