FEATool Multiphysics - Version 1.6
FEATool is designed to be a easy to use, flexible, and customizable toolbox, for simulation of PDE, Continuum Mechanics and multiphysics problems (as a stand-alone Desktop App or MATLAB Add-On toolbox). This release brings the following major features and improvements

The popular open-source and high performance Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver OpenFOAM is now integrated with FEATool. For the first time, this allows high performance CFD simulations from an easy to use and convenient OpenFOAM GUI directly in MATLAB.
The included MATLAB CFD solver has been thoroughly tested, validated, and used in computational fluid dynamics benchmarks and in a wide variety of industrial fluid flow simulations such as heat exchangers, two-phase flows, screw and fixed industrial mixers, and more. Employing a novel and unique FEM multigrid solver approach the included CFD solver has consistently shown to be both faster and more accurate compared to both modern academic and commercial CFD codes. With the new FEATool integration a high performance CFD solver now can be used by everyone.

FEATool now also includes an experimental automatic quadrilateral grid generation function suitable for generating structured grids.
In addition grid smoothing and refinement functionality has been expanded and improved, as well as allowing conversion between simplex (triangle and tetrahedral) and structured (quadrilateral and hexahedral) grid cells.

The FEATool Finite Element FEM basis function library has been expanded for increased accuracy to include conforming Lagrange functions up to fifth order (P1-P5/Q1-Q5), and also C1 Hermite functions with continous derivatives in 1D and 2D.
General Improvements
Dedicated and easy-to-use OpenFOAM GUI
New examples including three axisymmetric stress-strain models, two non-linear PDE models, and one new 2D Laplace equation test model
GUI fixes, bug fixes and stability improvements