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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
EX_CLASSICPDE2 Eigenmodes for a L-shaped membrane.
[ FEA, OUT ] = EX_CLASSICPDE2( VARARGIN ) Eigenmodes for a L-shaped membrane. Accepts the following property/value pairs.
Input Value/{Default} Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hmax scalar {0.05} Grid cell size sfun string {sflag1} Shape function iplot scalar 0/{1} Plot solution (=1) . Output Value/(Size) Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fea struct Problem definition struct out struct Output struct
cOptDef = { ... 'hmax', 0.05; ... 'sfun', 'sflag1'; ... 'iplot', 1; ... 'tol', 0.05; ... 'fid', 1 }; [got,opt] = parseopt(cOptDef,varargin{:}); fid = opt.fid; % Geometry definition. gobj = gobj_polygon( [-1 1 1 0 0 -1; -1 -1 1 1 0 0].', 'P1' ); fea.geom.objects = { gobj }; % Grid generation. fea.grid = gridgen(fea,'hmax',opt.hmax,'fid',fid); n_bdr = max(fea.grid.b(3,:)); % Number of boundaries. % Problem definition. fea.sdim = { 'x' 'y' }; % Coordinate names. fea = addphys( fea, @poisson, {'u'} ); fea.phys.poi.sfun = { opt.sfun }; fea.phys.poi.bdr.coef{1,end} = repmat({0},1,n_bdr); fea = parsephys(fea); % Parse and solve problem. fea = parseprob(fea); [fea.sol.u,fea.sol.l] = solveeig( fea, 'fid', fid, 'neigs', 20 ); % Postprocessing. if( opt.iplot>0 ) postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', 'u', 'surfhexpr', 'u', 'solnum', 12 ) title(['Solution lambda 12 = ',num2str(fea.sol.l(12))]) end l_ref = [9.640368;15.197253;19.739209;29.521482;31.914209;41.475693;44.948492;49.348023;49.348023;56.710931;65.376542;71.059312;71.572682;78.956838;89.306363;92.306914;97.380734;98.69605;101.607501;112.369198]; out.err = norm( l_ref - fea.sol.l )/norm(l_ref); out.pass = out.err < opt.tol; if( ~nargout ) clear fea out end