Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
featool Directory Reference


directory  core
directory  ellib
directory  examples
directory  fenics
directory  geom
directory  grid
directory  impexp
directory  openfoam
directory  physmodes
directory  post
directory  su2
directory  util


file  addpaths.m
 ADDPATHS Add/remove app directories to/from working paths.
file  evalexpr.m
 EVALEXPR Evaluates an expression in specified points.
file  featool.m
 Start FEATool Multiphysics.
file  fsisolve.m
 FSISOLVE Solve fluid-structure interaction problem.
file  gridgen.m
 GRIDGEN Grid and mesh generation for geometry objects.
file  intbdr.m
 INTBDR Integation of expression over boundaries.
file  intsubd.m
 INTSUBD Integate expression over subdomains.
file  minmaxbdr.m
 MINMAXBDR Calculate boundary minima and maxima.
file  minmaxsubd.m
 MINMAXSUBD Calculate subdomain minima and maxima.
file  plotbdr.m
 PLOTBDR Boundary plot function.
file  plotgeom.m
 PLOTGEOM Visualization of geometry objects.
file  plotgrid.m
 PLOTGRID Grid plot function.
file  plotsubd.m
 PLOTSUBD Subdomain plotting function.
file  postanimate.m
 POSTANIMATE Plot and animate solution.
file  postplot.m
 POSTPLOT Postprocessing and visualization function.
file  solveeig.m
 SOLVEEIG Solve eigenvalue problem.
file  solvelin.m
 SOLVELIN Solve linear system Ax=b.
file  solvestat.m
 SOLVESTAT Solve stationary problem.
file  solvetime.m
 SOLVETIME Solve time-dependent problem.