FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
ex_navierstokes2b.m File Reference


EX_NAVIERSTOKES2B 2D Driven cavity CFD benchmark.

[ DATA, FEA ] = EX_NAVIERSTOKES2B 2D Driven cavity CFD benchmark

CFD benchmarking script comparing the OpenFOAM and SU2 CFD solvers to the fully coupled FEATool Multiphysics solver, for stationary laminar driven cavity test case.

See also
ex_navierstokes2, run_featool_benchmarks

Code listing

% Define available solvers.
 solvers  = { 'FEATool', 'FEniCS', 'OpenFOAM', 'SU2' };
 FEATOOL  = 1;
 FENICS   = 2;
 SU2      = 4;

% Define available grid cases.
 grids    = { 'Quad', 'Tri', 'TriU' };
 QUAD     = 1;
 TRI      = 2;   % Structured triangles.
 TRIU     = 3;   % Unstructured triangles.

% Define available FEM shape/basis functions.
 D0       = 'sf_disc0';
 D1       = 'sf_disc1';
 P1       = 'sf_simp_P1';
 P2       = 'sf_simp_P2';
 Q1       = 'sf_quad_Q1';
 Q2       = 'sf_quad_Q2';

% Set up benchmark test cases.
 NLEV  = 1:5;   % Select grid levels.
 cases = { FEATOOL,   TRI,   {P1,P1},  NLEV,  {};
           FEATOOL,   TRI,   {P2,P1},  NLEV(1:end-1),  {};
           FEATOOL,   QUAD,  {Q1,Q1},  NLEV,  {};
           FEATOOL,   QUAD,  {Q2,D1},  NLEV(1:end-1),  {};
           FENICS,    TRI,   {P1,P1},  NLEV(1:end-1),  {'nlrlx',0.6};
 ...          FENICS,    TRI,   {P2,P1},  NLEV(1:end-1),  {};
           OPENFOAM,  TRI,   {D0,D0},  NLEV,  {};
           OPENFOAM,  QUAD,  {D0,D0},  NLEV,  {};
           SU2,       TRI,   {P1,P1},  NLEV,  {};
           SU2,       QUAD,  {Q1,Q1},  NLEV,  {} };

 opt.basename = mfilename();
 opt.solvers  = solvers;
 opt.grids    = grids;
 opt.cases    = cases;
 opt.fcn_fea  = @l_setup_fea_struct;
 opt.fcn_err  = @l_compute_error;

 [ data, fea ] = run_featool_benchmarks( opt );
