FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
ex_navierstokes7.m File Reference


EX_NAVIERSTOKES7 3D Example for incompressible stationary flow in a curved pipe.

[ FEA, OUT ] = EX_NAVIERSTOKES7( VARARGIN ) Sets up and solves stationary flow in a curved circular channel. The inflow profile is constant and the outflow should assume an offset parabolic profile. Accepts the following property/value pairs.

Input       Value/{Default}        Description
rho         scalar {1}             Density
miu         scalar {0.001}         Molecular/dynamic viscosity
umax        scalar {0.3}           Maximum magnitude of inlet velocity
h           scalar {0.5}           Channel radius
l           scalar {2.5}           Channel length
ilev        scalar {1}             Grid refinement level
sf_u        string {sflag1}        Shape function for velocity
sf_p        string {sflag1}        Shape function for pressure
solver      string openfoam/su2/{} Use OpenFOAM, SU2 or default solver
iplot       scalar 0/{1}           Plot solution and error (=1)
Output      Value/(Size)           Description
fea         struct                 Problem definition struct
out         struct                 Output struct

Code listing

 cOptDef = { ...
   'rho',      1;
   'miu',      1e-3;
   'umax',     0.3;
   'h',        0.5;
   'l',        0.5;
   'ilev',     1;
   'sf_u',     'sflag2';
   'sf_p',     'sflag1';
   'solver',   '';
   'iplot',    1;
   'tol',      0.2;
   'fid',      1 };
 [got,opt] = parseopt(cOptDef,varargin{:});
 fid       = opt.fid;

% Grid generation.
 fea.sdim = { 'x' 'y' 'z' };   % Coordinate names.
 fea.grid = gridrevolve( circgrid( 4*opt.ilev, 3*opt.ilev, opt.h/2 ), 15*opt.ilev, opt.l, 1/4 );

% Problem definition.
 fea = addphys( fea, @navierstokes );
 fea.phys.ns.eqn.coef{1,end} = { opt.rho };
 fea.phys.ns.eqn.coef{2,end} = { opt.miu };
 fea.phys.ns.sfun            = { opt.sf_u opt.sf_u opt.sf_u opt.sf_p };
 if( any(strcmp(opt.solver,{'openfoam','su2'})) )
   [fea.phys.ns.sfun{:}] = deal('sflag1');

% Boundary conditions.
 fea.phys.ns.bdr.sel(5) = 2;
 fea.phys.ns.bdr.sel(6) = 4;
 fea.phys.ns.bdr.coef{2,end}{2,5} = -opt.umax;

% Parse and solve problem.
 fea       = parsephys(fea);
 fea       = parseprob(fea);
 if( strcmp(opt.solver,'openfoam') )
   logfid = fid; if( ~got.fid ), fid = []; end
   fea.sol.u = openfoam( fea, 'fid', fid, 'logfid', logfid );
   fid = logfid;
 elseif( strcmp(opt.solver,'su2') )
   logfid = fid; if( ~got.fid ), fid = []; end
   fea.sol.u = su2( fea, 'fid', fid, 'logfid', logfid );
   fid = logfid;
   jac.form  = { [1;1] [1;1] [1;1] []; [1;1] [1;1] [1;1] [];  [1;1] [1;1] [1;1] []; [] [] [] [] };
   jac.coef  = { 'rho_ns*ux' 'rho_ns*uy' 'rho_ns*uz' []; 'rho_ns*vx' 'rho_ns*vy' 'rho_ns*vz' []; 'rho_ns*wx' 'rho_ns*wy' 'rho_ns*wz' []; [] [] [] [] };
   fea.sol.u = solvestat( fea, 'fid', fid, 'nsolve', 2, 'jac', jac );

% Postprocessing.
 if( opt.iplot>0 )
   postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', 'sqrt(u^2+v^2+w^2)' )
   view( 130, 30 )

% Error checking.
 out.flow_in  = pi*(opt.h/2)^2*opt.umax;
 out.flow_out = intbdr( 'sqrt(u^2+v^2+w^2)', fea, 5 );
 out.rerr = abs(out.flow_out-out.flow_in)/out.flow_in;
 out.pass = out.rerr < opt.tol;

 if ( nargout==0 )
   clear fea out