FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
geom_apply_transformation.m File Reference


GEOM_APPLY_TRANSFORMATION Apply transformation to geometry objects.

[ SOUT, NEW_TAGS ] = GEOM_APPLY_TRANSFORMATION( SIN, TAGS, DP, S, TH, AX, P0, DEG ) Applies transformations to the geometry objects in finite element or geometry struct SIN with the specified TAGS.

DP is a (1 x n_sdim) vector specifying linear translation in the coordinate directions (default [0,0,0], no translation).

S applies a scaling (1 x n_sdim) in the coordinate directions. (default [1,1,1], no scaling)

TH specifies a rotation in radians around the point P0 (default TH = 0, and P0 = [0,0(,0)]). For 3D geometry objects AX is a vector specifying the axis of rotation (default x-axis [1,0,0]). DEG optionally indicates that TH is given in degrees.