FEATool Multiphysics  v1.17.0
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
gobj_naca.m File Reference


GOBJ_NACA Create NACA 4-series wing profile geometry object.

[ GOBJ ] = GOBJ_NACA( SERIES, P0, L, TH, N, TAG ) Creates a NACA 4-series wing profile geometry object. Accepts the following input parameters.

Parameter   Value/{Default}           Description
series      string  {0012}             NACA 4-series identifier
p0          array   {[0,0]}            Coordinates of leading edge/point
l           length  {1}                Length of wing chord
th          scalar  {0}                Angle of attack (degrees)
n           integer {20}               Number of points to define shape
tag         string  {N1}               Geometry object tag/name