FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
gridsmooth.m File Reference


GRIDSMOOTH Grid smoothing.

[ SOUT ] = GRIDSMOOTH( SIN, N_SM, ALPHA, I_SM ) Apply grid to grid in SIN. N_SM specifies the number of smoothing steps to apply (default 3) and ALPHA is the relaxation parameter (default 0.8). I_SM specifies the smoothing method (default 2).

1: Laplacian smoothing operator defined as
     Pnew = (1-ALPHA)*P + ALPHA/#neighbours * SUM(Qj)

with Qj being the neighbours of the point P.

2: Density weighted umbrella operator defined as
Pnew = (1-ALPHA) * P + ALPHA/SUM(|P-Qj|) * SUM(|P-Qj| * Qj)

with Qj being the neighbours of the point P. The constant ALPHA defines the weighting of the midpoint P of the "patch".