FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
openfoam.m File Reference


OPENFOAM MATLAB OpenFOAM CFD solver CLI interface.

[ U, TLIST, VARS ] = OPENFOAM( PROB, VARARGIN ) Export, solves, and/or imports the solved problem described in the PROB finite element problem struct using the OpenFOAM CFD solver. Accepts the following property/value pairs.

Input       Value/{Default}              Description
mode        check, export, solve, import Command mode(s) to call (default all)
data        default                      Default OpenFOAM data and parameter dict
init        scalar {[]}                  Initial values   []: init expressions
                                           i: use solution -1: potential flow
turb        struct                       Turbulence data struct fields
                                           model, inlet [k,e/o], wallfcn [1/0]
interp      scalar {2}                   Interpolate solution to grid points
                                           1: no weighting 2: cell volume weighting
control     logical {false}              Show solver control panel.
casedir     default                      OpenFOAM case directory
foamdir     default                      OpenFOAM installation directory
logfname    default                      OpenFOAM log/output filename
fid/logfid  scalar {1}                   Log file/message output file handle
hax         handle                       Axis handle to plot convergence
pmaxts      integer {500}                Maximum number of time steps to print/plot

MODE is a string or cell array of strings selecting action(s) to perform. By default check, export, solve, and import are performed in sequence.

INIT by default takes the initial value expressions from a Navier-Stokes or Compressible Euler physics mode. It can also be overridden to select a previous solution (integer i specifies the solution number), or use potentialFoam to compute the initial values.

TURB is a struct with fields, turb.model indicating turbulence model (kEpsilon, realizableKE RNGkEpsilon, kOmega, kOmegaSST, or SpalartAllmaras), turb.inlet a vector with two components specifying the inlet values k/epsilon or k/omega when using the corresponding models (can also be computed using the turbulence_inletbccalc function), and turb.wallfcn is a logical flag designating if turbulent wall functions should be used.

Also accepts the following OpenFOAM data property/value pairs to set the control dicts during export

Property       Value/{Default}        Description
application    string {simpleFoam}    OpenFOAM application binary to run
ddtScheme      string {steadyState}   Time stepping scheme
tolres         scalar/vector {1e-4}   Stopping criteria for residuals (Simple)
startTime      scalar {0.0}           Simulation start time
endTime        scalar {1000}          Simulation end time
deltaT         scalar {1.0}           Time step size
maxDeltaT      scalar {0.1}           Maximum time step size
maxCo          scalar {0.5}           Maximum Courant number
upwind         string {linearUpwind}  Discretization scheme (div), valid options are
                                      linear, LUST, linearUpwind, limitedLinear, and upwind
bound          scalar {2}             Bounding/limiting, >0 bound div, >1 bound grad
ortho          scalar {auto}          Correction for grid non-orthogonality
nproc          scalar {numcores/2}    Number of processors to use
writeInterval  scalar {endTime}       Solution output write interval
writePrecision scalar {6}             Output file write precision
timePrecision  scalar {6}             Time format precision
purgeWrite     scalar {0}             Specified number of output solutions
transportModel string {Newtonian}     Transport model
simulationType string {laminar}       Simulation type laminar/RAS/LES
RASModel       string {kEpsilon}      RAS turbulence model: kEpsilon, realizableKE
                                   RNGkEpsilon, kOmega, kOmegaSST, SpalartAllmaras
nu             scalar {1.0}           Kinematic viscosity (constant)
  1) Laminar Hagen-Poiseuille flow in a channel.

  n = 20; rho = 1; miu = 1; uin = 1;

  fea.sdim = {'x' 'y'};
  fea.geom.objects = { gobj_rectangle(0,3,0,1) };
  fea.grid = rectgrid( 3*n, 1*n, [0 3;0 1] );

  fea = addphys(fea,@navierstokes);
  fea.phys.ns.eqn.coef{1,end} = { rho };
  fea.phys.ns.eqn.coef{2,end} = { miu };
  fea.phys.ns.eqn.coef{5,end} = { uin };
  fea.phys.ns.bdr.sel(2) = 4;
  fea.phys.ns.bdr.sel(4) = 2;
  fea.phys.ns.bdr.coef{2,end}{1,4} = uin;

  fea = parsephys( fea );
  fea = parseprob( fea );

  fea.sol.u = openfoam( fea );

  postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', 'p', 'isoexpr', 'sqrt(u^2+v^2)', 'arrowexpr', {'u' 'v'} )

  subplot(2,1,2), hold on, grid on
  xlabel('Velocity profile at outlet'), ylabel('y')
  x = 3*ones(1,100);
  y = linspace(0,1,100);
  U_ref = 6*uin*(y.*(1-y))./1^2;
  U = evalexpr( 'sqrt(u^2+v^2)', [x;y], fea );
  plot( U_ref, y, 'r--', 'linewidth', 3 )
  plot( U, y, 'b-', 'linewidth', 2.5 )
  legend( 'Analytic solution', 'Computed solution' )

  2) Axisymmetric turbulent flow in a pipe, showing solution convergence curves.

  Re = 1e5; rho = 1; miu = 1/Re; win = 1;

  fea.sdim = {'r' 'z'};
  fea.geom.objects = { gobj_rectangle(0,0.5,0,15) };
  fea.grid = rectgrid( 0.5-[0 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.1 0.3 0.5], 50, [0 0.5;0 15] );
  fea.grid = gridrefine( fea.grid );

  fea = addphys(fea,{@navierstokes,true});
  fea.phys.ns.eqn.coef{1,end} = { rho };
  fea.phys.ns.eqn.coef{2,end} = { miu };
  fea.phys.ns.eqn.coef{6,end} = { win };
  fea.phys.ns.bdr.sel(1) = 2;
  fea.phys.ns.bdr.sel(2) = 1;
  fea.phys.ns.bdr.sel(3) = 4;
  fea.phys.ns.bdr.sel(4) = 5;
  fea.phys.ns.bdr.coef{2,end}{2,1} = win;

  fea = parsephys( fea );
  fea = parseprob( fea );

  turb.model = 'kEpsilon';
  turb.inlet = [0.001,0.00045];
  turb.wallfcn = 1;
  fea.sol.u = openfoam( fea, 'hax', axes(), 'control', true, 'turb', turb );

  postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', 'p', 'isoexpr', 'sqrt(u^2+w^2)', 'arrowexpr', {'u' 'w'} )

  subplot(2,1,2), hold on, grid on
  xlabel('Velocity profile at outlet'), ylabel('r')
  r = linspace(0,0.5,100);
  z = 15*ones(1,100);
  U = evalexpr( 'sqrt(u^2+w^2)', [r;z], fea );
  plot( U, r, 'b-', 'linewidth', 2.5 )
See also
turbulence_inletbccalc, ex_navierstokes1 -8,10-13, ex_compressibleeuler2 -4