FEATool Multiphysics
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level
Quickstart Guide
Graphical User Interface
Physics Modes
OpenFOAM CFD Solver
SU2 CFD Solver
FEniCS FEA Solver
Transient Heat Diffusion in a Rod
Heat Transfer in a Ceramic Strip
Shrink Fitting of an Assembly
Orthotropic Heat Conduction
Thermal Bridge
Space-Time Transformation of Heat Conduction
Cooling Effect of Adding Fins
Heat Exchanger
Natural Convection in a Square Cavity
Resistive Heating in a Tungsten Filament
Heat Induced Stress in a Brake Disc
Thermo-Mechanical Bending of a Beam
Laminar Channel Flow
Flow in Driven Cavity
Axisymmetric Fluid Flow
Flow Around a Cylinder
Flow Over a Backwards Facing Step
Vortex Flow
Potential Flow Over an Airfoil
Supersonic Flow Past a Wedge
Supersonic Flow Over an Obstacle
Turbulent Channel Flow
Turbulent Flow Over a Backwards Facing Step (OpenFOAM)
Taylor-Couette Swirling Flow
Non-Newtonian Flow in an Extrusion Die
Supersonic Turbulent Flow Past a Prism
Flow in Porous Media
Natural Convection in a Square Cavity
Shallow Water Equations
Fluid-Structure Interaction - Elastic Beam
Electro-Osmotic Flow
Thin Plate with Hole
Cantilever Beam
Deflection of a Bracket
Cylindrical Pressure Vessel
Vibration Modes of a Hollow Cylinder
Stress Analysis of a Thick Plate
Deformation of a Spanner
Temperature Loading of a Tapered Cylinder
Heat Induced Stress in a Brake Disc
Piezoelectric Bending of a Beam
Stress Distribution in a Solenoid
Thermo-Mechanical Bending of a Beam
Fluid-Structure Interaction - Elastic Beam
Electrostatic Spherical Capacitor
Magnetic Field Around a Horseshoe Magnet
Two Material Wave Guide Interface
Conducting Sphere
Inductance in Parallel Wires
Capacitance in a Microstrip Transmission Line
Skin Effect in a Circular Wire
Piezoelectric Bending of a Beam
Stress Distribution in a Solenoid
Electro-Osmotic Flow
Heat Exchanger
Resistive Heating in a Tungsten Filament
Flow in Porous Media
Heat Induced Stress in a Brake Disc
Natural Convection in a Square Cavity
Piezoelectric Bending of a Beam
Thermo-Mechanical Bending of a Beam
Fluid-Structure Interaction - Elastic Beam
Stress Distribution in a Solenoid
Multi-Simulation Heat Exchanger
Electro-Osmotic Flow
Poisson Equation
Poisson Equation with a Point Source
Wave Equation on a Circle
Vibrations of a Circular Membrane
Resonance Frequencies of a Room
Black-Scholes Equation
Shallow Water Equations
Interference and Diffraction
Mathematical Modeling
Model and Problem Definition
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