FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
pntsetf.m File Reference


PNTSETF Assemble point source terms.

[ F, INDROW, T ] = PNTSETF( PROB, I_CUB, F ) Assembles point sources to the right hand side load vector F with the information in the finite element problem struct PROB.

Input       Value/(Size)           Description
prob        struct                 Finite element problem struct
i_cub       scalar                 Numerical integration rule
f           (neq,1)                Right hand side/load vector
Output      Value/(Size)           Description
f           (neq,1)                Modified right hand side/load vector
indrow      (neq,1)                Index to rows (dofs) in rhs which were set
t           scalar                 Time spent in function