FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
selcells.m File Reference


SELCELLS Select cells from expression.

[ CIND ] = SELCELLS( SIN, S_EXPR ) Returns index to cells CIND which fulfill the selection expression S_EXPR. If a sdim field is not found in the input struct SIN the default coordinate names x, y, and z will be used. MODE either indicates selection critera applied to all (MODE 1, default) or any cell vertices (MODE 2).

Input       Value/(Size)           Description
sin         struct                 Grid or problem struct with
                                   p, c (and s) fields
s_expr      string                 Cell selection string expression
mode        {1}/2                  Selection mode (1 = all, 2 = any vertices)
Output      Value/(Size)           Description
cind        array                  Array with indicies to cells which cell
                                   vertices satisfy the selection expression
Given a problem struct fea, select cells between coordinates 0.2<x<0.5
  cind = selcells( fea, '(x>0.2) & (x<0.5)' );