FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
tfjac.m File Reference


TFJAC Computes transformation Jacobian and determinant.

[ AJTMP, AJAC ] = TFJAC( I_FLAG, P, C, AJTMP, XI, AJAC ) Computes the inverse of the transformation Jacobian and corresponding determinant in point XI (in local coordinates). The input and output array AJTMP saves and reuses factors that are independent of the evaluation point XI.

Input       Value/(Size)           Description
i_flag      (scalar)               Evaluation flag (0=Help array, 1=All, 2=Jac.)
p           (n_sdim,n_p)           Array of cell vertex coordinates
c           (n_pcell,n_c)          Index array for cells to evaluate
aJTmp       (n_c,:)                Temporary help array
xi          (n_sdim(+1))           Local cell coordinates to evaluate
aJac        (n_c,:)                Array for Jacobian inverse and determinant
store_aJTmp (scalar)               Flag to store aJTmp as a persistent variable

Output      Value/(Size)           Description
aJTmp       (n_c,:)                Temporary help array
aJac        (n_c,:)                Array for Jacobian inverse and determinant
See also
tfjacline, tfjactri, tfjacquad, tfjactet, tfjachex