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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
BDRROB Compute Robin boundary condition contributions.
[ VROWINDS, VROWCOLS, VAVALS, N_ROWS, N_COLS ] = BDRROB( PROB, I_CUB ) Computes matrix contributinos for Robin boundary conditions to the problem specified in the BDR.N field of the problem struct PROB. It is assumbed the problem has been linearized by usin BDR_LIN.
Input Value/(Size) Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prob struct Finite element problem struct i_cub scalar Numerical integration rule . Output Value/(Size) Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vRowInds [n_A] Row pointers to matrix entries vColInds [n_A] Column pointers to matrix entries vAvals [n_A] Values of the assembled matrix entries n_rows scalar Number of rows in matrix n_cols scalar Number of columns in matrix