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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
Files | |
file | blockgrid.m |
BLOCKGRID Generate 3D regular tensor product hexahedral grid. | |
file | circgrid.m |
CIRCGRID Generate 2d quadrilateral grid for a circle. | |
file | cylgrid.m |
CYLGRID Generate 3d cylindrical hexahedral grid. | |
file | delcells.m |
DELCELLS Delete cells from grid. | |
file | findbdr.m |
FINDBDR Find boundary indices for an expression. | |
file | gridadj.m |
GRIDADJ Generate grid cell adjacency information. | |
file | gridbdr.m |
GRIDBDR Generate grid boundary information. | |
file | gridbdre.m |
GRIDBDRE Generate grid edge boundary information. | |
file | gridbdrx.m |
GRIDBDRX Reconstruct interior boundaries. | |
file | gridcheck.m |
GRIDCHECK Check grid for errors. | |
file | gridedge.m |
GRIDEDGE Generate grid cell edge numbering. | |
file | gridextrude.m |
GRIDEXTRUDE Extrude 2D grid to 3D. | |
file | gridface.m |
GRIDFACE Generate grid cell face numbering. | |
file | gridgen_scale.m |
GRIDGEN_SCALE Grid generation with scaling. | |
file | gridmerge.m |
GRIDMERGE Merge two grids. | |
file | gridnormals.m |
GRIDNORMALS Compute normal vectors. | |
file | gridrefine.m |
GRIDREFINE Uniform refinement of a grid. | |
file | gridrevolve.m |
GRIDREVOLVE Revolve and extrude a 2D grid. | |
file | gridrotate.m |
GRIDROTATE Rotate grid. | |
file | gridscale.m |
GRIDSCALE Scale a grid. | |
file | gridsmooth.m |
GRIDSMOOTH Grid smoothing. | |
file | gridstat.m |
GRIDSTAT Grid statistics. | |
file | gridvert.m |
GRIDVERT Generate grid vertex adjacency map. | |
file | hex2tet.m |
HEX2TET Convert hexahedra to tetrahedra. | |
file | holegrid.m |
HOLEGRID Generate 2d rectangular grid with a circular hole. | |
file | linegrid.m |
LINEGRID Generate 1D line grid. | |
file | quad2tri.m |
QUAD2TRI Convert quadrilaterals to triangles. | |
file | rectgrid.m |
RECTGRID Generate 2D rectangular tensor product quadrilateral grid. | |
file | ringgrid.m |
RINGGRID Generate 2d grid of a ring. | |
file | selcells.m |
SELCELLS Select cells from expression. | |
file | spheregrid.m |
SPHEREGRID Generate 3d hexahedral grid for a sphere. | |
file | tet2hex.m |
TET2HEX Convert tetrahedra to hexahedra. | |
file | tri2quad.m |
TRI2QUAD Convert triangles to quadrilaterals. | |