FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
grid Directory Reference


file  blockgrid.m
 BLOCKGRID Generate 3D regular tensor product hexahedral grid.
file  circgrid.m
 CIRCGRID Generate 2d quadrilateral grid for a circle.
file  cylgrid.m
 CYLGRID Generate 3d cylindrical hexahedral grid.
file  delcells.m
 DELCELLS Delete cells from grid.
file  findbdr.m
 FINDBDR Find boundary indices for an expression.
file  gridadj.m
 GRIDADJ Generate grid cell adjacency information.
file  gridbdr.m
 GRIDBDR Generate grid boundary information.
file  gridbdre.m
 GRIDBDRE Generate grid edge boundary information.
file  gridbdrx.m
 GRIDBDRX Reconstruct interior boundaries.
file  gridcheck.m
 GRIDCHECK Check grid for errors.
file  gridedge.m
 GRIDEDGE Generate grid cell edge numbering.
file  gridextrude.m
 GRIDEXTRUDE Extrude 2D grid to 3D.
file  gridface.m
 GRIDFACE Generate grid cell face numbering.
file  gridgen_scale.m
 GRIDGEN_SCALE Grid generation with scaling.
file  gridmerge.m
 GRIDMERGE Merge two grids.
file  gridnormals.m
 GRIDNORMALS Compute normal vectors.
file  gridrefine.m
 GRIDREFINE Uniform refinement of a grid.
file  gridrevolve.m
 GRIDREVOLVE Revolve and extrude a 2D grid.
file  gridrotate.m
 GRIDROTATE Rotate grid.
file  gridscale.m
 GRIDSCALE Scale a grid.
file  gridsmooth.m
 GRIDSMOOTH Grid smoothing.
file  gridstat.m
 GRIDSTAT Grid statistics.
file  gridvert.m
 GRIDVERT Generate grid vertex adjacency map.
file  hex2tet.m
 HEX2TET Convert hexahedra to tetrahedra.
file  holegrid.m
 HOLEGRID Generate 2d rectangular grid with a circular hole.
file  linegrid.m
 LINEGRID Generate 1D line grid.
file  quad2tri.m
 QUAD2TRI Convert quadrilaterals to triangles.
file  rectgrid.m
 RECTGRID Generate 2D rectangular tensor product quadrilateral grid.
file  ringgrid.m
 RINGGRID Generate 2d grid of a ring.
file  selcells.m
 SELCELLS Select cells from expression.
file  spheregrid.m
 SPHEREGRID Generate 3d hexahedral grid for a sphere.
file  tet2hex.m
 TET2HEX Convert tetrahedra to hexahedra.
file  tri2quad.m
 TRI2QUAD Convert triangles to quadrilaterals.