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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
MAPDOFBDR Create degree of freedom and boundary maps.
[ N_GDOF, ADOFMAP, ABDRMAP ] = MAPDOFBDR( VARARGIN ) Computes a connectivity map to the global degrees of freedom on each cell, and optionally computes a boundary index vector for all degrees of freedom. Input parameters can either be old type call (P,C,A,B,NLDOF) or (C,B,NLDOF,XI) where the local dof coordinates XI is optional.
Input Value/(Size) Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p (2,n_p) Array with grid point coordinates c (n_vc,n_c) Array with cell connectivities, points to vertices in p for each cell a (n_cf,n_c) Cell adjacency information, points to adjacent cells for each edge. If the edge is on a boundary the a entry is zero b (4-6,n_cb) Boundary indicies for degress of freedom nLDof (n_bdgroups,4) Number of local degrees of freedom on vertices edges, and cell interiors for boundary groups xi (2-4,sum(nLDof)) Coordinates of local dofs (optional). . Output Value/(Size) Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- n_gdof (scalar) Total number of degrees of freedom aDofMap (n_ldof,n_c) Connectivity map giving degree of freedom numbers for each local dof on all cells aBdrMap (5+n_sdim,n_bdof) Boundary dof map. First row is the cell number, followed by edge/face, boundary, global and local dof numbers, and local coordinates on edges/faces.