Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
minmaxsubd.m File Reference


MINMAXSUBD Calculate subdomain minima and maxima.

[ MIN_VAL, MAX_VAL, MIN_COORD, MAX_COORD ] = MINMAXSUBD( S_EXPR, PROB, IND_S, IND_C, I_CUB, SOLNUM ) Evaluates the mimimum and maximum value of expression S_EXPR over the subdomains indicated in IND_S or alternatively the cells in IND_C. PROB is a valid finite element problem struct. Returns the minima and maxima in MIN_VAL and MAX_VAL, and the corresponding coordinates in MIN_COORD and MAX_COORD.

Input       Value/[Size]           Description
s_expr      string                 Expression to evaluate
prob        struct                 Finite element problem struct
ind_s       [1,n_subd]             Subdomain numbers (default all)
ind_c       [1,n_cells]            Cell indices (default all)
i_cub       scalar                 Evaluation point rule (default 2)
solnum      scalar {n_sols}        Solution number/time to evaluate
Output      Value/[Size]           Description
min_val     scalar                 Minimum value of expression
max_val     scalar                 Maximum value of expression
See also
minmaxbdr, intsubd, intbdr