FEATool Multiphysics  v1.16.6
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
plotgrid.m File Reference


PLOTGRID Grid plot function.

[ H ] = PLOTGRID( PROB, VARARGIN ) Function to plot and visualize a grid. PROB is a valid grid or problem struct. Accepts the following property/value pairs.

Property    Value/{Default}           Description
axis        off|{on}                  Show axes
grid        on |{off}                 Show grid
axequal     off|{on}                  Axis equal setting
edges       on |{off}                 Show internal edges (3D only)
view        {[45 45]}                 3D view setting
bbox        {0.05}                    Size of bounding box (0=off)
alpha       {1}                       Transparency level
facecolor   {[.9 .9 .9]}              Cell face style or fixed color
linestyle   {-}                       Line style
linewidth   {1}                       Line width
edgecolor   {b}                       Line color
edgecolor   {[.7 .7 .7]}              Cell line color
marker      {.}                       Node marker style
markercolor {b}                       Node marker color
cellabels   on|{off}                  Show cell numbers
nodelabels  on|{off}                  Show vertex/node numbers
fontsize    {axes default}            Font size used in text
selcells    {all}                     Index vector to cells to plot
selsubd     {all}                     Index vector to subdomains to plot
renderer    {empty string}|plotly     Render in MATLAB or Plotly
plotlyfile  {default}                 Filename to use for plotly export
parent      {gca}                     Plot axes handle
setaxes     {on}|off                  Use axes modification settings
See also
plotbdr, plotsubd, postplot