FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
PLOTBDR Boundary plot function.
[ H ] = PLOTBDR( PROB, VARARGIN ) Plot and highlight boundaries. PROB is a valid finite element problem structure. Accepts the following property/value pairs.
Property Value/{Default} Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- axis on |{off} Show axes grid on |{off} Show grid normals on |{off} Show normals axequal off|{on} Axis equal setting bbox {0.05} Size of bounding box (0=off) colors {[1 0 0], [0 1 0], ...} Cell array with colors (rgb triplets) labels on/{off} Print boundary numbers fontsize {2*axes default} Font size used in text labels linestyle {-} Line style linewidth {1} Line width edgecolor {k} Line color view {[-35 20]} 3D view setting alpha {0.5} Transparency level intb {false} Plot interor/internal boundaries selbdr {all} Index vector to boundaries to plot parent {gca} Axes handle to plot in