Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
solvetime.m File Reference


SOLVETIME Solve time-dependent problem.

[ U, TLIST ] = SOLVETIME( PROB, VARARGIN ) Solves the time-dependent problem described in the PROB finite element struct. Accepts the following property/value pairs.

Input       Value/{Default}              Description
linsolv     string/{mumps}               Sparse linear solver
                                             backslash, mumps, gmres, bicgstab, amg
tstep       scalar/{0.1}                 Time step size (average for FS-scheme)
tmax        scalar/{1}                   Maximum simulation time
tstop       scalar/{1e-6}                Stopping criterita
                                         (for solution changes in time)
ischeme     scalar/{2}                   Time stepping scheme
                                           1 - 1st order Backward Euler
                                           2 - 2nd order Crank-Nicolson
                                           3 - 2nd order Fractional-step-theta
imass       scalar/{4}                   Mass matrix lumping
                                           1 - Full mass matrix
                                           2 - row sum lumping
                                           3 - diagonal lumping
                                           4 - HRZ diagonal lumping
icub        scalar/{auto}                Cubature rule/order used in assembly
                                         Default 1+max(shape function order)
minnit      scalar/{0}                   Minimum number of non-linear iterations
maxnit      scalar/{20}                  Maximum number of non-linear iterations
nstbwe      scalar/{1}                   Number of initial forced BE steps
nlrlx       scalar/string/{1.0}          Relaxation for non-linear iter., scalar
                                         or string expression, ex (1+(t_sim>5))/2
nlinasm     logical/{[0 0 0 0]}          Force reassembly of M, A, f, bdrn
toldef      scalar/{1e-6}                Stopping criteria for solution defects
tolchg      scalar/{1e-6}                Stopping criteria for solution changes
reldef      logical/{0}                  Check relative defect changes
relchg      logical/{0}                  Check relative solution changes
init        u0|{expr}/{0}                Initial value solution or expression
solcomp     {all dvars}                  Dep. variables/subdomains to solve for
waitbar     scalar/{0}                   Show waitbar
fid         scalar/{1}                   File identifier for output ([]=no output)
See also
solvestat, solveeig