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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
ASSEMBLEJ Finite element assembly of Jacobian forms.
Assembles a numerical Jacobian matrix representation of a finite element bilinear and linear forms.
IPERT indicates to perturb the solution vector (=0) with DPERT (default 1e-8) calculating the Jacobian J = dK/du*U - f, where each column J_i is given as
J_i = ( (K(U_i+DPERT)*(U_i+DPERT)-f(U_i+DPERT)) - (K(U)*U-f(U)) )/DPERT
Alternatively, if IPERT is equal to an integer (1, 2 or 3) the Jacobian with respect to space dimension/coordinate IPERT will be computed as
J_i = ( (K(U,x+DPERT)*(U,x+DPERT)-f(U,x+DPERT)) - (K(U,x)*U-f(U,x)) )/DPERT
The linearization point/solution vector U needs to be given and stored in the prob.sol.u field. If it is not present a zero solution will be used.
Each column in AFORM and FFORM specify bilinear and linear additive terms to compute. In AFORM the first row corresponds to the trial function space, and second test space. The form entries denote either function values or derivatives to evaluate.
C_SFUN indicates which shape functions to use for the trial and test function spaces. Optionally, a third entry is required for the trial function space when assembling off-diagonal (target) blocks for coupled problems. If only one or two C_SFUN entries is provided, the first entry will be used for target trial function space.
For off-diagonal blocks the dof OFFSET ( dof_offset_row, dof_offset_column ) is used to find and perturb the target block solution vector.
C_ACOEF and C_FCOEF specifies the coefficients to evaluate for the forms.
The computed matrix entries are returned in VJVALS where VROWINDS and VROWCOLS are corresponding row and column pointers. N_ROWS and N_COLS give the number of rows in the matrix. J sparse representation of the matrix can subsequently be constructed by calling SPARSE
J = sparse( vRowInds, vColInds, vJvals, n_rows, n_cols );
on the output of ASSEMLBLEJ.
Input Value/[Size] Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aform [2,n_aforms] Bilinear forms to compute, first row indicates trial function space (second test function space) 1 = function value 2/3/4 = x/y/z -derivatives fform [n_fforms] Linear forms to compute c_sfun strings {2/3} Shape functions used for the assmebly trial, assembly test, and target trial function spaces c_acoef {n_aforms} Coefficients for each bilinear form c_fcoef {n_fforms} Coefficients for each linear form i_cub scalar Numerical integration rule p [n_sdim,n_p] Array with grid point coordinates c [n_vert,n_cells] Array with cell connectivities a [n_vert,n_cells] Array with cell adjacency information ind_s [n_cells] (optional) Subdomain indices prob struct (optional) FEATool problem struct, used offset [2] (optional) Offset for finding start in solution for matrix coef/vector product dof perturbation ipert scalar/{0/i_sdim} 0-Solution perturbation, >0 Coordinate dir. pert dpert scalar (optional) Perturbation parameter (default 1e-8) n_cmax scalar {50000} Max number of cells per group to assemble for at once (to limit memory consumption) . Output Value/[Size] Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vRowInds [n_J] Row pointers to matrix entries vColInds [n_J] Column pointers to matrix entries vJvals [n_J] Values of the assembled matrix entries n_rows scalar Number of rows in matrix n_cols scalar Number of columns in matrix