FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
PLOTGEOM Visualization of geometry objects.
[ H ] = PLOTGEOM( SIN, VARARGIN ) Function to plot and visualize geometry objects. SIN is a valid fea problem struct or cell array of geometry objects. Accepts the following property/value pairs.
Property Value/{Default} 1D 2D 3D Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- facecolor [.8 .8 1] x x x Face style or fixed color edgecolor {k} x x x Edge line color linestyle {-} x x x Edge line style linewidth {1} x x x Edge line width highlight {[]} x x x Highlight selected geometry objects labels off|{on} x x x Show geometry labels fontsize {2*axes default} x x x Font size used in labels axequal off|{on} x x x Axis equal setting bbox {0.05} x x x Size of bounding box (0=off) ngrid {25} x x x Background grid resolution style {1} x Plot objects (=1) or boundaries (=2) alpha {0.5} x Transparency level renderer {empty string}|plotly x x x Render in MATLAB or Plotly plotlyfile {default} x x x Filename to use for plotly export parent {gca} x x x Plot axes handle