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FEATool Multiphysics
Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
SOLVELIN Solve linear system Ax=b.
[ X, FLAG, T_SOLVE ] = SOLVELIN( A, B, TYPE, X0, VARARGIN ) Solves the linear sparse system Ax = b with solver of TYPE (backslash, mumps, gmres, bicgstab, or amg). X0 is an optional initial guess for the iterative solver types (gmres/bicgstab/amg) and T_SOLVE is the total time. FLAG returns 0 for success and ~0 otherwise.
persistent try_mumps solvers if( nargin<=1 && nargout==1 ) % Return available/valid solvers. if( isempty(solvers) ) solvers = {'backslash', 'gmres', 'bicgstab'}; ml2019b = verLessThan('matlab','9.8'); use_mex = feacheckmex(); if( use_mex && exist('dmumpsmex','file')==3 && ... ispc || (isunix && ~ismac) ) solvers = [solvers, {'mumps'}]; end if( use_mex && exist('amg','file')==3 && ml2019b ) solvers = [solvers, {'amg'}]; end solvers = sort(solvers); end if( nargin==1 ) x = any(strcmpi(solvers,strtrim(A))); else x = solvers; end return end t0 = tic(); if( nargin<3 || isempty(type) ) type = appconfig('linsolv'); end flag = 0; backslash = false; c_solver_types = {'backslash','mumps','gmres','bicgstab','amg'}; if( ischar(type) ) type = max( [1,find(strcmpi(type,c_solver_types))] ); else type = c_solver_types{1}; end if( ~(isscalar(type) && isnumeric(type) && type<=length(c_solver_types)) || ... (type==2 && isequal(try_mumps,false)) ) type = 1; end try switch( type ) case 2 % mumps if( ~(issparse(A) && isreal(A) && isreal(b)) ) % warning( 'Complex valued systems not supported by mumps.' ) backslash = true; else mumpsfunc = 0; if( length(b) < 500000 && isunix && ~ismac ) mumpsfunc = 1; end % Initialization of a MATLAB Mumps structure. id = initmumps(); id.SYM = 0; id = dmumps(id, [], mumpsfunc); id.JOB = 6; % Set analysis + factorization + solve. id.ICNTL(1:4) = -1; % suppress output. % id.ICNTL(1:4) = [6,0,6,2]; % standard output. % Mumps reordering: % 0 - Approximate Minimum Degree (AMD) % 2 - Approximate Minimuim Fill (AMF) % 3 - SCOTCH % 4 - PORD % 5 - METIS % 6 - Approximate Minimum Degree with automatic quasi row-detection (QAMD) % 7 - Automatic choice by MUMPS id.ICNTL(7) = 7; id.ICNTL(14) = 25; % Percentage increase in estimated working space. id.RHS = b; % Set RHS/load vector. % Call Mumps. id = dmumps(id, A, mumpsfunc); flag = id.INFOG(1); if( flag==0 ) x = id.SOL; else warning( ['MUMPS linear solver failed with error INFO(1:2) = ', ... num2str(flag),':',num2str(id.INFOG(2))] ) x = zeros(size(b)); end % Release memory. id.JOB = -2; id = dmumps(id, [], mumpsfunc); t_solve = toc(t0); end case {3,4} % gmres, bicgstab ILU_LEV = 4; RESTART = 100; TOL = 1e-8; MAXIT = 150; if( nargin<4 || isempty(x0) ) x0 = zeros(size(b)); end % Compute ILU preconditioner. if( ILU_LEV<=0 ) ILU_SETUP.type = 'crout'; % nofill, ilutp, crout ILU_SETUP.droptol = 1e-2; ILU_SETUP.milu = 'row'; % row, col, off [L,U] = ilu( A, ILU_SETUP ); else [L,U] = iluk( A, ILU_LEV ); end if( strcmp(lower(type),'gmres') ) [x,flag,relres,iter,resvec] = gmres( A, b, RESTART, TOL, MAXIT, L, U, x0 ); else [x,flag,relres,iter,resvec] = bicgstab( A, b, TOL, MAXIT, L, U, x0 ); end if( flag~=0 || iter>=MAXIT ) warning( [c_solver_types{type},' solver failed to converge.'] ) end case 5 % amg(cl) if( nargin<4 || isempty(x0) ) x0 = zeros(size(b)); end cOptDef = {'tol', 1e-8; 'maxit', 150; 'reusemode', 1; 'preconditioner', 1; 'coarsening', 1; 'relaxation', 3; 's_relaxation', 3; 'solver', 4; 'block_size', 0; 'active_rows', 0; 'use_drs', 0; 'drs_eps_ps', 0.0200; 'drs_eps_dd', 0.2000; 'drs_row_weights', []; 'update_sprecond', 0; 'update_ptransfer', 0; 'cpr_blocksolver', 1; 'coarse_enough', -1; 'direct_coarse', 1; 'max_levels', -1; 'ncycle', 1; 'npre', 1; 'npost', 1; 'pre_cycles', 1; 'gmres_m', 30; 'lgmres_k', 3; 'lgmres_always_reset', 1; 'lgmres_store_av', 1; 'idrs_s', 4; 'idrs_omega', 0.7000; 'idrs_replacement', 0; 'bicgstabl_l', 2; 'bicgstabl_delta', 0; 'bicgstabl_convex', 1; 'aggr_eps_strong', 0.0800; 'aggr_over_interp', 1; 'rs_eps_strong', 0.2500; 'rs_trunc', 1; 'rs_eps_trunc', 0.2000; 'aggr_relax', 0.6667; 'write_params', 0; 'nthreads', 4; 'verbose', 0; 'ilut_p', 2; 's_ilut_p', 2; 'ilut_tau', 0.0100; 's_ilut_tau', 0.0100; 'iluk_k', 1; 's_iluk_k', 1; 'ilu_damping', 1; 's_ilu_damping', 1; 'jacobi_damping', 0.7200; 's_jacobi_damping', 0.7200; 'chebyshev_degree', 5; 's_chebyshev_degree', 5; 'chebyshev_lower', 0.0333; 's_chebyshev_lower', 0.0333; 'chebyshev_power_iters', 0; 's_chebyshev_power_iters', 0 }; [got,val] = parseopt(cOptDef,varargin{:}); try id = 1; [ x, err, iter ] = amg( A.', b, val, val.tol, val.maxit, id, val.reusemode, x0 ); catch x = x0; err = inf; iter = -1; end flag = err > val.tol; if( flag~=0 || iter>=val.maxit ) warning( [c_solver_types{type},' solver failed to converge.'] ) end otherwise backslash = true; end catch warning( [c_solver_types{type},' linear solver failed. Reverting to built-in solver.'] ) if( type==2 ), try_mumps = false; end backslash = true; end if( backslash ) x = mldivide( A, b ); end t_solve = toc(t0);